Monday 4 June 2007


It may seem like it is one big holiday in NZ but I have also been working. I started work at the end of February at Rosehill Christian Medical Centre in Papakura which is right on the outskirts of South Auckland. The medical centre cares for a very mixed population and was first set up by local churches about 20 years ago. It serves quite a poor community (largely Maori and Pacific Islanders) and it has been quite a change from looking after the upper/middle classes of Leckhampton in Cheltenham!
The New Zealand system has many similarities to United Kingdom. However, the main big difference is that you have to pay to see GPs in NZ. Access to hopsital care/clinics is only by GP referral but free. In the centre of Auckland a standard consultation can cost up to $75 but at my surgery we charge only $15 (but this is still a large amount of money for many). The NHS may have many faults but I have come to appreciate the fact that it is free at the point of access.
The population I serve is really quite chaotic which does make efficient healthcare provision a bit of a nightmare! Diabetes, obesity, alcoholism, drugs, depression and infection seem to be the biggest issues. Simple education and compliance with treatment are on going battles! It is a far cry from the target orientated General Practice in UK and really quite satisfying. The other bonus is that I have 15 minutes with each patient which allows me to indulge in some health promotion and also get to know my patients properly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey...check you out in y'snazzy office! Nice one!